2013 sucks already…. or maybe…

Yeah. If today is any sort of basis for how the rest of the year will go, then I already know this year is in the shitter. Joy.

But. they say how you spend New Years Eve when the ball drops is how you will spend the rest of the year (hence the tradition of kissing someone when the ball drops in hopes of soliciting romance for the following year) I was on the couch with my two babies. Happy. Even though they were driving me nuts- which they always do- but they were actually sitting behaving and counting down (somewhat.) It was really nice. So. If that is how I am allegedly supposed to know how this year will go, then I shall not complain. 🙂

Despite old wives’ tales and theories though, one thing I do believe. A year- to a degree- like life- is what you make of it. And having gotten some … um… unexpected news last night- it was the thing to push me over the top. I am going to be making some major moves this year. I have to. For my family. For my sanity. Just because. I have taken too much for too long and this last thing was what has pushed me over the edge.

Making changes terrifies me. Scares ever-loving bejeezes out of me. But I will be a better person if I force myself and do this. No more pretending. No more excuses. For me. Something that hasn’t been done in a long time.


Happy New Year, ya’ll.

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